I have lots of twins out there in the world. When someone tells me that I look exactly like their cousin or old neighbor or college roommate, I just say, "I must have one of those faces..."
My celebrity twins, according to my friends and family:

My mom came home after seeing "The Man In The Moon" in 1991 and told me that there was a girl in it who looked just like me. It turns out that girl was Reese Witherspoon. After seeing "Walk the Line," my friend called me and said "It's not like you look identical, but she has your mannerisms." I did a play when I had long blond hair and every night, some one would say after the show, "Has anyone ever told you you look like..." and I finished their sentence. So yeah, that is so not my chin, but there must be something there.

Mireille Enos went to BYU before me. When I had red hair during three of my years there, everyone assumed I was her little sister. One time, a guy who had just got off his mission in one of my classes thought I actually WAS her and thought I/she was rude for not hugging him after all these years. At an acting competition just last month, a guy I had just performed with in the Syd Riggs show asked my friend why I was one of the judges for the competition. I ran into a girl I know at the gym and she said "Wow, I actually had to check the credits after 'Big Love' last night to make sure it wasn't you!" So yeah.

Babs Bunny. So only one person has ever said she was my twin--my friend in high school said I looked EXACTLY like her. I was mystified, and a little flattered. OK, so it's the teeth! I'm not an idiot!
So who gets your vote? Obviously, this is not a perfect science. Other people I have been told I look like are Angelina Jolie (that was during Little Women so it must have been the long dark braid) and Martina Hingis, the tennis player. That was my brother-in-law. Nice.
So that Enos lady looks like you, altho I don't know who she is. But while Alexis Grace was on Idol, I'd say, oh look, Hailey's on!
P.S. Doppelganger is one of my favorite words.
Mireille has been in some Broadway stuff, and was even nominated for a Tony. These days, she plays a polygamist wife on Big Love, but I have not caught her on that.
So, I saw Monsters vs. Aliens this last weekend and thought to myself...I could totally see Hailey in this part. It was Reese Witherspoon's voice and the character and her voice just really reminded me of you. That said, Reese gets my vote.
I think I used "that said" wrong there. It should've been "therefore" or something.
I'd have to go with Mireille Enos. At least, given the pics you put on your post. I have no idea who she is, but she does does look like you in the pic. There's a woman in our ward who I think looks like you, and I keep telling Melanie that, but she doesn't believe me.
Well---I have never seen that Mirielle person---but she looks a bit like you in that picture.
But for mannerisms, and just--the voice tambre or something---it is Reese hands down.
And I really don't see the resemblance of that girl on Idol---maybe it was the way she sang? Heh, heh.
Hey, did you check out the post on Clayton? Such a cutie!
You are SO Alexis Grace! I was watching AI with Tom and Tanya a few weeks ago and we were all in love with her, she was fab. After she was on stage for about 2 minutes Tom said, "Man...she looks just like Hailey.."
And Reese Witherspoon? Could you be more gorgeous? All your twins are uber-glam, you sauce pot.
Julia, you make me blush. But seriously, Martina Hingis? She's anti-hot. So that balances it out...
I think you look like Reese Witherspoon, too. You're both beautiful.
Guess what I said to my mom when I saw Alexis Grace on American Idol? "Mom, don't you think that looks like Hailey?" Except you're prettier and more talented! You remind me of Reese too, something in the personality - She's my favorite! My celebrity twins are Michelle Phiffer (or however you spell it) and Katherine Heigl.
Love that snl clip. I thought you looked like Alexis Grace too. Mainly just reminiscent of her, and I thought she auditioned in SLC which reinforced that connection, but now I know she auditioned in KY. I don't see the reese connection as much, but maybe a little.
You know, now that I think about it, I'd like to add one more name to the list: Yvonne Strahovski, of the NBC sitcom, "Chuck".
Joe, I think it is hilarious that you say that, because Ben thinks she is so ugly. He can't even watch the show because he is offended by her face!
Oh my gosh Joe, I thought that too. She isn't ugly either.
The only doppelganger anyone every said I had was the lady in Ronin. Don't know her name. I'd vote for Reese in your case. ;)
You seriously do look EXACTLY like Mireille Enos. I saw her in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? in London...she was wonderful! And watching Big Love now...I get doses of Hailey everyday! :)
Reese. Totally. And you sing like Alexis Grace.
The Chuck girl is awful. Maybe you guys don't have HD or something, but she is hard to look at. Naomi Watts reminds me of you, too.
You ARE Mireille. Darick was so convinced it was you. I hate to tell him over and over that it wasn't. I get Reese all the time too. When I was in Little Women in West Valley and had a blonde wig....I got it every night. EVERY NIGHT!!! I'm glad we share that.
And clearly when I say hate....I meant had. Awkward....
I totally see Reese. Big time. You guys are both so cute, lively and photogenic.
I've always thought we looked like we could be sisters--we have a similar thing going on. Let's find a movie to be in together :)
Wow. Yeah. I think it's funny that Tyler, my husband, caught on to you looking like Reese. I think you certainly have facial expressions and hair like Mirielle. And Alexis Grace does have the small frame and smile as you. You're still as beautiful (and tiny) as you were before you had children! not fair :)
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