Oh J.J., how could you be so cruel?
We figured it was coming, but did you have to do it in the first hour of the new season, after we had waited patiently, devotedly, all summer long?
And Michael, why didn't you wear your vest, why? You never leave home without it. And why did you just stand there? You can always find a hatch or a vent or a weapon. You've cheated death hundreds of times before. For what? To die so uneventfully?
And Sydney, why Ben Affleck, why? Oh wait, never mind. Different blog.
But I still blame Ben Affleck for everything. It's just easier that way.
Oh, I'm so sorry Hailey. I know he was your Plan B.
Huh. Apparently Vaughn died on the "Alias" premiere last night. THANKS, HAILEY! NOW I DON'T HAVE TO BOTHER WATCHING IT!!!
Oops, sorry, Eric. But come on, we knew it was coming. Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, my friend has me thinking he's not really dead. These are her reasons: A) No one ever really dies on Alias, B) Sydney made him drink somehting out of that straw before his heart stopped--hmm, now where have we seen that before, and C)No one was that broken up at the funeral, Sydney just kept staring strangely at her dad as if to say, "This better work..."
True, we did know it was coming, though all I'd heard was early this season, not necessarily the first episode. That surprised me.
Good points about him maybe not being dead. I don't know, though. If he wanted off the show because he didn't like being around his pregnant ex-girlfriend, he probably wouldn't want to come back later. On the other hand, if it was J.J.'s idea to kill Vaughn off, and Vartan didn't want to go, then yeah, maybe he could return.
Maybe after two years have passed, he'll show up and Sidney will be like, "Dude, it's been two years! We thought you were dead! I'm married now!" That would be awesome.
My condolences go out to you Hailey...try not to lose too much sleep over it! I also wondered if somehow they were gonna make him come back later, but I just don't see how...he looked pretty gone to me.
I refuse to accept that Vaughn is dead. No one dies on Alias. It was either a ploy by him, or by Sydney to help him dissapear. That whole "closing of the blinds to the hospital room while we try and revive him" was a little too mysterious. And his name is still in the opening credits as a regular and not as a "Special Guest Star."
PS. Where have him seen Sydney give someone a drink out of a straw?
Josh--well, it wasn't Sydney giving people drinks per se, but I know for a fact that Emily's death was faked after she drank something in her wine, and then didn't they do the same thing with Sloane later on? I guess my point is, Jack and/or Sloane have some closet somewhere all stocked up with "powder-you-put-in-a-drink-that-makes-doctors-think-you're-dead."
OK!! OK!! Stop it every one of you!!! Who has taken over the bodies of all you people out there?? Am I the ONLY PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE THAT HAS NEVER SEEN ONE SHOW OF "ALIAS" BEFORE???!!!!
Snap out of it, Hailey----you're embarrassing me!! I didn't raise you to be obsessed with some, albeit, gorgeous hunk of a movie star!! Get back to reality, and go see a real movie---one with Johnny Depp, or Ralph Fiennes or something... Even though I'm still upset about the ending of "The Constant Gardener"---how could they do that to Ralph Fiennes? I'll never be the same...
Now Mom, don't be a hater! The problem is, you didn't raise me watching any tv at all, so what you've created is a monster! And no worries--Johnny will always occupy a special place in my heart.
Oh and thanks for ruining the ending of The Constant Gardener for me---sheesh! Eric D, now you know where I get it from!
??????? Well I know I'm out of THIS loop!
Well, Hailey, that's not entirely true... I seem to have some odd memories of wasting away in front of the old TV... though I think our obsessions back then were a little questionable... The Young Ones, for instance (herrings still make me laugh), not to mention a certain game we played while watching MTV... ahem... George Michael... Bringing back any memories? :)
But to be honest, no one knows what shows I'm obsessed with these days, because frankly, I'm too embarassed to tell anyone... (But at least I've stopped kissing the television) Hee, hee, hee...
Ah Hailey! You ruined for me! I hadn't seen the premiere of Alias. Come to think of it I forgot to tape it too. Maybe my mom taped it. They killed off Vaughn? I can't believe it... I'm sort of stunned, shocked... sitting here in disbelief.
Now I'm sort of scared to read more of your blog. What other horrifying revelations will I find? Oh well, I guess I'll keep reading.
Matt!! Thanks for stopping by, my friend! No more revelations I promise!! Unless it's some secret that I was a wierd child...and that I have one...
And Brinna, my obsession was George Michael, yours was Billy Idol, lest you forget...And you don't have to be ashamed about your Law and Order SVU addiction! (I watched it last night...creepy!)
A fellow SVUer!
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