At breakfast, we eat bananas. I think we have a three years' supply of bananas in our house at any given time. We are addicted to them. We eat other stuff, too, but there had better be BANANAS!

After breakfast, we like to tear up the house a little bit. That is pretty much our full-time job, so we take it seriously. Here are some pictures of us messing stuff up:
We also like to practice our walking. We're pretty much awesome at it now. Crawling is so 15 months.
When Mom gets us dressed, she makes us wear coordinating outfits. I guess this is payback for the grief we gave her in the womb. Our hair is getting long and Mom says we look "homeless," so she experiments with strange hairdos!
Now that it is getting warmer, we LOVE to go outside whenever we can. Sometimes, when we get tired of walking, we just cruise around the park in a pick-up truck.
On occasion, we have to attend really fancy events, like church on Easter Sunday, so we get all dressed up. But we HATE taking posed pictures with Mila and Ethan so we are kind of bratty about it. But just for the record, Mila and Ethan are NOT the best examples of kids excited to take pictures.
We love it when bedtime finally rolls around, because we get to brush our teeth. For whatever reason, we think brushing our teeth RULES! After we get our pjs on, we just sit back and chillax after our long day.
So, that's pretty much what our days are like. We know it must seem glamorous, but to us, it's pretty normal. We're just Lucy and Lane from the block, keepin' it real, in da house! Peace out...
hailey, the are so darling! what a couple of cuties- you must love them to pieces!
Lucy and Lane,
Sounds like you two know how to have a good time, but can I suggest a couple things to spice it up over there? I like to wait til someone leaves the pantry open, then pull glass bottles of pickles off the shelf and bust them, or occasionally tear open boxes of jello and then walk around the house dumping it out, just a little at a time. No one even knows you've done it til the bottoms of their feet turn all green.(You should try it while your Mom is blogging).
your older and wiser (22 months)second cousin,
Lucy and Lane have captured the heart of Hughie. They are glamorous, intelligent, driven women. He had no chance.
Hailey, you're my hero!
LOVE the muddy pajamas and two-babies-in-a-drawer photos!
Chillaxin'... I'm gonna have to give that a try. Sounds dope.
Okay. Because the tulip dresses from Gymboree are awesome. More so when they're on sale!
I think that I should trade places someday with Lucy and Lane...They can go all Hollywood and I can chillax...
Great post! :)
Cutie. You can tell which is which now for sure. Cute room, it is so spacious.
That was awesome! I love their bedroom. I'm kind of envious of their life!
Oh man---you two are living the life! I want to be you guys for a day! Such cuties! And I can totally relate to the posed picture problem (as I'm sure you've noticed we have the same problem at every family gathering we've attended since Caden was born...they're not fans.
I can't imagine how interesting your life must be. Your family is beautiful! How do you squeeze it all in?
So adorable! Can't wait to see them!
I do think that they look a lot older without the bangs, though... I guess I just like bangs on little ones. people call them bangs anymore...just a strange thought.
Anywho---love them, love them, LOVE THEM!!
that is a fabulous life... especially with that suped up truck and all. My boys would be so jealus.
Ummmmmm. Where have you been all my life? I LOVE it here! Off to googlereader you now....
You're kids are too cute for words. And my sister's middle name is Lane, I've always loved it.
That's all.
Your children are surprisingly articulate for their age. I guess you're home-schooling.
I'm still in awe...TWINS. Wow.
How cute! Looks like they will like their new cousin... banana. :)
So cute! We miss you two girls! I love that you cruise around in a pick-up truck. Looks like a good life!
Hailey--looks like you're loving the beauty in the (BUSY) simplicity of it all right?!! Your twins are beautiful, and it's cool to see their sweet girlie room. I love nursery's!! At least they'll sleep well with a roomate when they hit college....that'll be a bonus:) Kim
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